blog:Car Payments Archives | Car Nation Canada
Car Loan Deferral: Can You Defer a Payment? & How It's Done

A car loan is usually a fixed monthly payment you make on the same day every month until the loan is paid. It’s a long term financial commitment that doesn’t change for the length of the loan. There are occasions when you can change that or skip a payment. These are called deferrals or […]
What Happens If You Miss a Car Payment & How to Prevent It

Not everything goes as planned. We're humans, and sometimes we make a commitment that we intend to make, but then, life happens. Often, this happens by no fault of ours. Still, our inability to meet these commitments reflects badly on our image, making us look less than the person of honour we are. […]
Fixed vs. Variable Interest Rate Car Loans: Which is Better?

When shopping around for car loans, you will see two terms used a lot, fixed rate and variable rate. All car loans will feature one or the other and some lenders deal exclusively in one form of interest over the other. So what are they and which is best? Get Pre-Approved in 2 Minutes or […]